Scholarship and Emergency Loan Program

Learn more about the financial options that are available.

Joe Espy SGA Scholarship

Students in need of essential financial assistance due to a temporary hardship or unexpected emergency are encouraged to apply for a need-based scholarship award from the Joe Espy SGA Scholarship Fund.

SGA Emergency Loan

The Student Government Association (SGA) offers 30-day interest free emergency loans up to $500 for full-time students. An application must not have been delinquent on any former emergency loans, and all loans must be paid back with in 30 days of receipt or the end of the term. For questions about this program contact the SGA office at 205-348-2742.

Apply for SGA Loan

Currently registered students can apply for a loan via the Student Receivables tab in MyBama. Availability to apply online via the MyBama student tab starts after classes begin for the current term and is available until 30 days before the end of the term